Sunday, September 16, 2012

"Whatever you dream...BEGIN"

Today is the launching of Kelly Sullivan's MIGHTY FINGERS--FACING CHANGE project, and right now, half-way around the world from where I sit typing these words in the Philippines, her kick-off party has begun...

I woke early to not only be able to receive and post the news release below, but to donate funds.  There was a lovely, momentarily dazzling choice of whose name to make it in and, suddenly, I was faced with such an array of friends who have supported my own work that I almost gave up and clicked the anonymous button. 

In the end, I chose the woman whose own generosity has been an inspiring example for me to follow, but who is so modest that when Kelly also gave the option to upload a photo next to the donor's name, I laughed and chose a collaged artwork of my own to symbolize and share with her the pleasure of supporting this project.  My friend is featured more than once in this blog (and not as often as deserved), so will be known to long-time followers.

Because I have already emailed to my many friends and supporters the news of this ambitious project, I am adding to this post a letter of support for Kelly's Mighty Fingers--Facing Change, further elaboration of the project's goals, for people to read over the next few months of the fund-raising campaign:
"Mighty Fingers Facing Change is a global collaborative art project that will empower adolescent girls around the world to build stronger communities.  Originated by my friend and renown artist, Kelly Sullivan, Mighty Fingers Facing Change will travel to a minimum of 14 locations in six continents to work with with adolescent girls to create a giant global community mural and a series of the girls' self portraits.  We have partnered with many non-profit organizations throughout the world that support women and girls day in and day out, and at each location, Kelly and her Mighty Fingers team will work with one of the non-profits and a large group of adolescent girls to show them how to create art with their "Mighty Fingers."  They will encourage and celebrate individuality as they help the girls create their own self-portraits using visualization exercises and their very own fingers to paint instead of paint brushes!  Then they will work together with the girls to design and paint a portion of the 16' x 5' Mighty Fingers global community FingerSmear mural.  The girls will use their mighty fingers to add their own indelible mark to the mural and sign their name to it.

Young women are the largest underserved and at-risk population worldwide.  By bringing young women together to paint and freely express themselves through the creativity, collaboration and honesty of art, we will show girls everywhere that they have the power to dream big and succeed, to create stronger communities, and to build a better future.

While I will not be traveling with the Mighty Fingers team, I am very connected to the project and am excited to remain involved with the journey by watching the video uploads Kelly and her team make along the way and reading about their progress.  Before we can get started with the project, we need to raise $145,000 by December 5th, 2012.  The funds are vital to pay for airfare, ground transport, art supplies, video equipment and general trip expenses.

Please visit our page to learn more about the project and to contribute in any way you can.  It is very easy to contribute and you will be graciously rewarded for your support"

Together, let's create a better world.

Monday, September 10, 2012


In my last post I wrote of having two goals for this next post:
      First, a determination to complete this blog, a 'body of work' which began as a means to document, thank, and share with supporters the achievements their donations made possible, 
      secondly, a desire to 'give back' by now supporting someone else’s project.  


The project that has inspired me is Kelly Sullivan’s

Mighty Fingers--FacingChange.

Similar to my vision for One Candle Schoolhouse and the Bright Lights Learning Centers, of youths creatively exploring their individuality within the community, Kelly Sullivan’s project is much more ambitious and inspiring--it is Global in scope

Kelly says this about her project:

     “In this Career Opus, Mighty Fingers--Facing Change, I will use my twenty years of experience and the power of artistic collaboration to stimulate, strengthen and unify the largely under-served adolescent female population. They have the ability to change the world. I want to be a part of the most exciting shift of the 21st century…
bring(ing) a unifying spotlight to the numerous organizations working to improve the lives of women around the world...ultimately leading to strengthened communities on a local and global level.”

I began corresponding with Kelly two years ago, after reading her first blog post titled, Life is Short. It is a galvanizing essay for anyone with dreams yet unfulfilled.  Since then, I have been continually touched by this amazing woman’s fierce dedication to both her family and her Art.  Not easy commitments to balance equally, but I admire the integrity with which she does it.

I believe in Kelly's project, which will be launched this September 15th, 2012.  I have chosen to help Kelly for possibly very selfish reasons:

     First, I want her to visit the Philippines so that Bright Lights can host her Team

     second, I want our students be able to experience what she has to offer.

To help make that happen I have become a Mighty Ambassador for her project.

  What must a Mighty Ambassador do, you ask?

check it out and please consider choosing to support her, too...for myself, it is simply a broader way to continue helping the Learning Centers provide unique growth opportunities for our rural Community.  Perhaps it will be for you, too?